The executive training

The training path aims to convey to the executives the basis of a “culture of safety at work” apart from that of fulfilling the merely formal obligations stated by law.


Durata: 16 hours
Tempo massimo di fruizione del corso: 120 days
Destinatari: Executive
Periodicità di aggiornamento: 6 hours every 5 years
Attestato di frequenza: Each participant will recive a certificate with valid permanent training credit, after having successfully passed the final test, pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement 21 December 2011.
Sintesi contenuti:
  • Module “Normative- legal”
  • Module “Management and organization of security and safety”
  • Module “Risks identification and assessment”
  • Module “Communication, training and  consultation of the workers”

Costo del corso: 190€

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Dichiaro di aver letto l’informativa sulla privacy e sul trattamento dei dati ai sensi del GDPR 16/679 e del Codice Privacy 196/03 come novellato da Dlgs 101/18.